
Innovative Start-ups: Information Obligations on the Company’s Website

The status of innovative start-up registered in the special section of the Register of Companies requires compliance with certain disclosure obligations.

In particular, Article 25 paragraph 11 of DL 179/2012 provides that innovative start-ups must provide the following information on the home page of their website:       

  1. date and place of incorporation, notary’s name and address
  2. head quarter and any branch offices
  3. corporate purpose;
  4. brief description of the activity carried out, including the activity and expenditure on research and development;
  5. list of shareholders, with transparency regarding trusts, holding companies where not registered in the Register of Companies;
  6. list of investee companies;
  7. indication of the educational qualifications and professional experience of the partners and staff working in the innovative start-up, excluding any sensitive data
  8. indication of the existence of professional, collaborative or commercial relationships with certified incubators, institutional and professional investors, universities and research centres;
  9. latest filed financial statements, in XBRL standard;
  10. list of industrial and intellectual property rights.

This information, most of which is in any case already available to the public as it is published in the Companies’ Register, must be made available, ensuring maximum transparency and accessibility, electronically or on computer support in tabular format manageable by search engines, with the possibility of processing and republication free of charge by third parties.

Disclosure pursuant to Art. 25, para. 11 of Law Decree 179/2012


Informative description Information on the company
a) date and place of incorporation, notary’s name and address 10/05/2021, in Rimini (RN, IT) at Notaio Dr. Albore Massimo
b) head quarter and any branch offices

Via Macanno 38/b, 47853, Rimini (RN, IT)

No branch offices

c) corporate purpose

The development, production and marketing of innovative products or services with high technological value in the IT sector by carrying out the following activities

– development, production and marketing of software, consultancy, development, design, production and realisation on its own and/or on third parties’ premises, related sales, rental, management and assistance of software, applications, websites, computer platforms, systems engineering, networks, decentralised transaction systems, realisation and management of exchange and communication platforms – management of all services on its own account and on behalf of third parties of bookings, pre-sales, sales, assistance, brokerage, marketing, promotion of tickets for any activity involving the sale of goods and/or services, such as merely by way of example but not limited to: shows, fairs, events, concerts, screenings, land, sea or air transport services for both persons and goods, rental services and other individual or collective means of transport also with geo-localisation and technical information

d) brief description of the activity carried out Software development
e) list of shareholders Moreno Giusto, Moreno Nicholas, Ceccarelli Andrea, Fabbri Massimo, Gasperoni Roberto, Nardelli Guido, Malvicini Savino, Capitano Loris, Maina Matteo
f) list of investee companies No investee companies
g) indication of the educational qualifications and professional experience of the partners and staff working in the innovative start-up, excluding any sensitive data Moreno Giusto (Diploma Perito Informatico), Moreno Nicholas (Diploma Istituto Linguistico), Caccarelli Andrea (Laurea Economia Aziendale), Fabbri Massimo (Diploma Istituto Tecnico), Capitano Loris (Diploma Professionale), Maina Matteo (Diploma Perito Meccanico), Gasperoni Roberto (Diploma Perito Elettronico e Telecomunicazioni), Nardelli Guido (Diploma Istituto Tecnico Commerciale), Malvicini Savino (Diploma Istituto Tecnico Commerciale)
h) indication of the existence of professional, collaborative or commercial relationships with certified incubators, institutional and professional investors, universities and research centres Cesena Lab Incubatore
i) list of industrial and intellectual property rights No property rights
Pursuant to Article 25, Paragraph 11 of Law Decree 179/2012, the undersigned CECCARELLI Andrea, in his capacity as legal representative of the company, authorises the republication free of charge by third parties of the data and information contained in this table and in the IT documents linked to it, provided that the republication carried out by third parties meets needs and purposes that are not contrary to the regulations in force; it does not entail violation of the rights guaranteed by the current Code on the protection of personal data, as per Legislative Decree 196/2003, to the owners of the republished data.