AISAAC Data Driven


Guided by objective facts and not by personal feelings

What is a data-driven company?

It is a company that is driven by data and is therefore able to make decisions based on objective facts, and not on personal feelings.

That is why our Digital Assistants and Humans have as their prerogative the collection of conversations and their transformation into structured data.

Data-driven companies are those that view data management not as a technical factor, but as a strategic pillar of business.

Being data-driven means being driven by numbers, having a data-based approach to make informed decisions based on objective facts and not personal feelings.

The transformation into a data-driven company therefore cannot happen with technology alone, but with a change management path that can bring a data culture to all levels of the company.

Today, managers need information to help them understand what the future holds for them.

Having correct, fresh and frequently collected data is critical.

In such a fast-paced world, it is not enough to turn our attention to the past, to the analysis of metrics and KPIs based on time series, to the generation of statistics and reports at the end of the day to perform data analysis on user behavior or to identify technical problems or critical events.

Dashboard of AISAAC Conversational AI with basic metrics


Calcolo del ROI dell’ AD in tempo reale
